Homes for Rent


 Finding a home for rent is not as easy as most think it is. A simple internet search will yield you plenty of results for rental properties. However, how do you know they are legitimate listings and not scams? You do not. You don’t know if the homes for rent that you see are even in good condition or if the landlord is a good one. It can be difficult to be sure that you are getting a rental unit that is in good condition and that the landlord cares about. Thankfully, a listing with our local Realtor means that you will be applying for rentals that are in good condition and that you will not be scammed.

Benefits of Our Homes for Rent

Finding a home to rent can be a daunting task. You need to find yourself a new home for you and your family, you may have pets, and you want to move quickly. However, we do not recommend turning to Facebook or Craigslist posting. There are many potential issues without the involvement of a licensed real estate broker or agent. Homes for rent with a professional Realtor will give you the best results and they provide numerous benefits. The benefits include:

  • No Scams: It is easy to get scammed looking for a property to rent. You do not know if the lister is the property owner. They may request that you send them funds and you will never see that money again. Working with our local Realtor ensures you only deal with legitimate rentals and landlords.
  • Property Conditions: You don’t know the property conditions of any online listing for homes for rent. You may see some pictures, but they could be old, outdated, or photoshopped. Our brokerage only works with landlords who have rental properties that are in good condition and move-in ready.
  • Competitive Rents: Our Realtors have the tools and knowledge to determine the market rate for rents for any rental property. We help anyone listing with us determine a competitive rental rate.
  • Caring Landlords: The landlords that own the properties we list care about their properties. They took the extra step of hiring a real estate agent to list their rental because they want good tenants, they care about their properties, and they do things to properly. You can tell by the property conditions and the simple act of hiring a Realtor that the landlord cares.
  • Legality: Landlords will either knowingly or unknowingly take advantage of tenants with things like not allowing certified service animals, improperly charging late fees under incorrect conditions, and not having legal lease agreements that were reviewed by an attorney. Our real estate agents help prevent all these things from occurring which is beneficial to both landlords and tenants.

Stay Safe & Use a Local Realtor to Find a Home for Rent

Ultimately, relying on a local realtor to find you a home to rent is about protection, specifically for you, your family, your finances, and even your health. The horror stories of bad landlords are endless and can range from renters getting sick from mold and asbestos in the walls to ridiculous fees or unrealistic apartment photos created by artificial intelligence. You never know what kind of situation you are walking into when you put your trust in a stranger turned landlord. The risks are endless. Likewise, any issues with your new home are unlikely to be caught until after it’s too late, and either your money is gone, or you are locked into paying for the lease for a full year.

By working with a local realtor, you are choosing safety. At Home Realtors, we carefully vet each one of the landlords we work with. Anyone can put a home for rent listing online on various social media platforms whether they have a home available or not, but not just anyone receives local realtors’ seal of approval. We are truly your best bet if you are looking for a new place to stay in the Big Spring or Greenwood, TX areas.

Contact Our Local Realtor Today to Learn More About Our Listings

At Home Realtors, we have a great selection of homes for rent in Big Spring, Lamesa, Greenwood, TX and beyond. If you are a renter looking for your next apartment, our team can help you sort through our range of apartments for rent to find the one that best suits you and your needs. We will show you everything from multi-family property listings to luxury residential properties that are in good condition and affordable that the landlord cares about. If you own a rental property, list it with us for more exposure of your real estate investment properties. We will bring you quality renters that are less likely to damage your property or not pay rent.

Contact our real estate agent today to learn more about our homes for rent or list your property!